A review by thatrealbuffreader
One True Loves by Elise Bryant


This should be the blueprint for every YA romance because this was one of the best ones I have ever read. If I had this book when I was even 19, it would have been such a comfort book for me.

One True Loves reads more mature than most YA romances with the theme of finding yourself, transitioning into adulthood, and finding love. Lenore has been through the ringer with men, either falling for fuckboys or being cheated on. She goes onto a cruise with her family, then runs into Alex, although when they meet it is far from a meet cute.

This book does have a cute romance, but the themes of family and perfectionism are what make this book stand out from other YA novels for me. I loved the characters, and the families in this book are both so freaking cute but also have their own flaws. I saw my parents in Lenore's, and I saw myself in Wally and Lenore. (More on that later)

A particular scene that stood out for me was when Alex and Lenore's families first met. Lenore's dad makes the assumption that because Alex and his mother are black, so will his dad be. He awkwardly says the seat is saved for her husband, but he is her husband. Alex is a biracial korean-black American. The way that Lenore's dad responded when he realized what he said was short, but genuine and I think it properly models how to respond when you know you messed up and made an assumption about someone. It was just a nice little snippet that was well done!

For a cruise romance, I wouldn't expect myself to be as invested with the relationship because of how short of a timespan it was. It was believable though, which is shocking to me because who would think I would love a book where the characters fall in love in 10 days? Not me! The contrast between Lenore being overly cautious with love and Alex jumping right in was lovely, and it made sense with Lenore's past. I have went through the fuckboys like Lenore did, so seeing her navigate future relationships based on those experiences were relatable because of how she made mistakes yet still had good intentions. I don't want a YA character who is perfect. I want one who is real, and Lenore was.


The most impactful scene for me wasn't a kiss or an emotional scene with the couple. It was Wally having a panic attack. I have never seen panic disorder representation in a book, and seeing how it made him more irritable, closed off, and on edge was spot on. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and had almost the same situation as Wally my freshman year of college. I had panic attacks weekly and even had one triggered while lifting weights and almost threw up in my gym parking lot because it was so bad. The way he talked about panic disorder was so similar to my experiences and the pressure that I put on myself to be perfect made me cry while reading because I felt so seen. I am eternally grateful for Elise Bryant because of that.

If you are looking for a heartwarming, quick romance with lovable characters and a unique plot, this is for you!

Friends to Lovers