A review by katieanne4
The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards


As the conclusion to a trilogy I feel unsatisfied, as the third of a trilogy of trilogies (ie there are 6 more books) I'm happy because the story does not feel finished and that means we'll hopefully spend more time with these characters in future books. 

I have to admit that I'm partially here for the smut and on that front these books are not delivering. Like everything doesn't have to have smut but every book with a romantic subplot does. Or, maybe it's just that the romance did not satisfy on its own terms.
Addam definitely was a stronger character in the first one and in this book it seemed like he was just there to be perfect, strong, hot, patient. And a lot of what happened with him was his relationship with Brand which basically happened off screen.

But yeah primary feeling coming out of this is that it's not finished and I'm glad about that. There was definitely plot progress and character progress, I inhaled this one just like the first 2. 

edited to add: upon further reflection, this review was overly critical. i love this world/these characters so much and i guess i was just mistaken in thinking that book 3 would be a conclusion of some sort and so i'm feeling some kinda way about waiting for 6 more books to come out. and the lack of smut is clearly a me problem. 
that said-- i stand by what i said about addam's characterization in this one, and in general i think the cast is getting kind of big and unwieldy to be able to keep track of everyone and like care about their problems? anna, corbie, layne, corrine, lady death, addam's mom, addam's aunt, mayan, max, quinn. god i hate to say this but it's almost getting marvel-like in that everyone needs to get their screen time... almost! again i want to be clear that i am all in, ride or die, but that just makes me more pickier about the imperfections.