A review by samlue
Kiss of Death by Alice Wilde


I’m rating this book a generous 3/5.


My biggest problem with this novel was the pacing. For the first half of the book we see everything through Hazel’s perspective. I think readers could have easily learned about Hazel’s abuse in one or two chapters. Her creepy step brother, Amadeus, who tried to rape her maybe 4 times. Then her other step brother, Cyprian, who is an alcoholic and is suddenly protective of her.

I didn’t buy into Cyprian’s redemption. He spent years as a bystander and suddenly he wants to protect Hazel and says he loves her. I’m sure there’s more to his story, but it felt odd to me. There is about 250 pages in this book and 100 were spent with Hazel being hurt by her step mother and Cyprian trying to be a hero.

Death and Hazel’s time together was very short. I wish the author had spent more time building this relationship. Maybe more time with the world building. I rate my ability to immerse into their world a 2/5.

I did enjoy Death’s perspective. It gave some insight to how easily it was for him to care for Hazel. He was kind to her which isn’t something she is used to. I just wish there were more conversations between them. There was no spice in this book. Death and Hazel share one kiss that ultimately kills her. Their chemistry was 3.5/5.

The second half of the book was more descriptive than the first half. I did feel the pain Death and Hazel carried knowing he would have to kill her after one month. There were some loose ends I’m sure will be explained in the upcoming book.