A review by allyriadayne
The Apple Throne by Tessa Gratton


Book: 3 stars. Series over all 4 stars.

The Apple Throne didn't connect to me as well as the last one, The Strange Maid, did but I could finally empathize with Astrid and her faith and struggle with the Gods and her role as Idun The Young, while being forgotten by the world and having no fate.

I wasn't much into the elves plot, except when it all connected to my favorite (!!) valkyrie Signy Valborn and what she did with the heart of the Troll Mother she killed. The plot with Soren's kidnapping also didn't do much for me and it felt more like something for Astrid to do and tie the elves with the main mystery. BUT I liked a lot how the author expanded more of the worldbuilding.

Still, I love Tessa Grafton's (criminally underrated) United States of Asgard series and I'll keep The Strange Maid in my heart. This is good YA.