A review by kowalski2aa
The Dunnie by Keith Thomas


Thank you NetGalley for allowing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The first thing that interested me in reading this book has definitely got to be the cover. I mean just look at it! (Serious creepy vibes right there, along with the title in general. Just what exactly is a "Dunnie"?) This book was interesting from beginning to end, fast-paced, exciting and the definition of horror. I could also the genre fitting as psychological thriller as well based on the emotional abuse, dementia and all of the emotions the characters feel.

This book fits perfect as a novella, it wasn't too short nor too long, but got its message across clear during the length of the book. I don't think it would have benefitted being longer because it would have had useless dialogue and take away from the story overall. The characters were a bit flat, other than Asher and Pa of course, but there was much time explaining in depth what the Dunnie looks like, what it likes to eat and how it came to be.

Now this book is definitely something I could see being turned into a movie someday. It had the right amount of scare factor, buildup and creepy characters. You never know what could be lurking in the shadows (and in this case, vents) and how you may be afraid of the dark and falling asleep for the rest of your life. Shape shifters creep me out and I would never want to be in the same room as a Dunnie, no thanks!

I will definitely be reading more by Keith Thomas in the future.