A review by gonturans
Practically Wicked by Alissa Johnson


romance as a genre is, ultimately, about the fantasy of being Seen and appreciated and wanted for who you are (see: the infamous when harry met sally declaration of love). this novel does so beautifully, wherein the heroine is Seen and Accepted by not only the hero but her half-brothers and their wives. anna doesn't trust people's intentions /for good reason/, and her surprise each time that max took moments during arguments to calm down and not wind himself up more was heartbreaking. sometimes she was a /little/ too willing to let things go.

the ending was cinematic. pitch perfect. put that shit on screen.

i have some nitpicks (where did the dog go??? justice for hermia.), but overall this was just a really lovely, quiet, character-driven plot. maybe a little slow for most, but perhaps mary balogh is a good comparison.