A review by cmbohn
Mrs. 'Arris Goes to New York by Paul Gallico


I really enjoyed this book. Mrs. 'Arris is a London cleaning lady. She and her friend both worry about a little neighbor boy who is being mistreated by his guardians. The boy is a result of a war marriage, between an American GI named George Brown and an English girl. The couple split up, the husband returns to the US, the wife remarries, and she pays some friends to look after her son.

Mrs. 'Arris wishes she could find they boy's father. Surely he would be happy to be reunited with his son. So when she gets a chance to go to New York, she imagines it won't be that hard to find Mr. Brown. But first, she has to smuggle the boy on board the ship, sneak him past immigration, find him again afterwards, and so on.

This is a fun story with lots of little twists. It's a good, clean read with fun characters. It made me smile.