A review by jenbsbooks
Method 15/33 by Shannon Kirk


I didn't love this ... but it's a book that I think I'll remember, and after listening to the audio, I was intrigued enough to grab the kindle copy and skim it again.

First though ... I have no idea the title-tie in. Help? Anyone? Did I miss something? I Googled and everything, couldn't find an answer.

This starts right off ... chapter one is "Days 4-5 in Captivity" ... so NOT starting on day 1, or at the kidnapping (although these are reflected upon and so we/the reader, know what happened - eventually). But it's really not starting there either, because she is "remembering her thoughts, even though it's been 17 years". I'm always a bit bugged by that tactic/technique. Showing us "the future" then going to the past. It's a spoiler in a way. Not that I'm expecting the MC not to make it (although there are books/movies where that happens) ... now I KNOW she is going to survive.

If one has read the blurb (again, a bit of a spoiler), they won't really be surprised by the MC being this cold/calculating girl, instead of a terrified teen. I can't help but wonder what my thoughts would have been if I'd come into this book cold (not having read the blurb, not really knowing what it was about).

Chapter 2 ... change of POV, to a detective on the case (although there is a bit of a twist there). I didn't really get into the detective chapters much, they felt so different than the main storyline, even though the two did end up crossing later on. While the "Special Agent Roger Lui" chapters are introduced with his name/label ... our MC's POV chapters are not given a title heading of a name, but instead, the "days into captivity". Both POVs tend to "talk to the reader" some ... "you might not believe this but ..."

I went with the audio edition (to start, also downloaded the Kindle copy to glance over after). Two narrators for our two POVs (one female, one male). The female narrator had some distinct male voices in her chapters (two different kidnappers), one super gruff and profane (hard to listen to at times) and one ... weird/higher/babyish ... which was really annoying, but was partially written that way (not sure how much choice the narrator had). Again though, hard to listen to!

This was not a book where I could guess where it was going - even with the foreshadowing at the first.

It was good, interesting ... just not that enjoyable.
Parental perspective ... a lot of rough language, horrid treatment of girls/babies, the girls here had some premarital sex, but there really wasn't much/any sexual content that I remember.