A review by laucameron_
Fallen Star by Susannah Nix


(I received an ARC of this book) I really enjoy Susannah Nix's writing. Her books are always thought provoking, and address important subjects, which I really appreciate! Her characters are flawed and human, and even in a setting most of us don't have a lot of experience with personally (aka Hollywood) she still manages to make her characters relatable and human. This book handled the topic of addiction recovery really well, and showed the reality of it: that even once you're clean, it does not mean that you are not still an addict, and that you do not struggle. I had SO much respect for Scott and everything he went through, and how he continues to try to be better. He was one of my favourite male characters that Nix has written, and I would recommend this book just for his story.

That being said, I was not a huge fan of Grace. She was fine, but a lot of her decisions rubbed me that wrong way, and I feel like we didn't get to know her as well as Scott. We don't really get much background on her; she had a relationship that didn't work out, but that doesn't explain all of her reservations about dating. Also, how did she get to the job she's in now? I would've liked to know more about her, and I feel like if I did I would like her more. As it was, she didn't seem to really have empathy for what Scott was going to, and was very judgemental from the start. And when they have difficulty at the end, she never thinks of what he may be feeling, just that she's upset. What Scott did wasn't right, but she also never gave him the benefit of the doubt. I would have liked to see Grace research addiction a bit more when her and Scott get together, especially because she seemed to keep making snap judgements about it that aren't true.

Despite my complaints about Grace, I recognize that she is human. I honestly can't say for sure that I would do any different in her situation, as someone who hasn't experienced addiction. I appreciate how real she was as a character, and though she didn't handle the situation perfectly, it did work out. I think this book was an accurate portrayal of addiction, being a child star, and working in Hollywood, and I liked the different angles that the author explored. I would recommend this book, but I would also read the first book in the series first, because I think I enjoyed it more! The writing was fantastic, they characters were honest, and the storyline is one we need more of! Will definitely be reading more of Nix in the future.