A review by stephsromancebooktalk
Grigori by Lauren Smith


4.25 Stars / 3 Steam Fans

I went into this book blind except for the fact that it was recommended by the ladies from Read Me Romance and I am so happy that I did. I knew that this was going to be a dragon shifter story but what I was surprised by was how much historical information that was included into the story. I was so here for the ride of Madeline and Grigori. Madeline is a history professor studying dragons in Russia. Grigori is one of the last dragons of one of the powerful dragon families in Russia. When Madeline checks out a special book from a Russian library, Grigori is notified and so the adventure and fated mates story begins. This story is engaging and interesting, sexy and swoon-worthy, and adds just this perfect amount of suspense that keeps you hanging on every word. I really liked the narrator's voice since I listened to it as an audiobook; she performed a very pleasing Russian accent for Grigori and an American accent for Madeline. I look forward to continue this series.

This specific video review will be included in the August 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.