A review by koops333
Nameless Fate by Stephanie West


Just as I thought, trash.


This book made me a wee bit mad- but I held on an finished it. To bad because I like the premise. Bounty hunter, Harper, decides to volunteer for a medical trail that has to do with birthmarks- and what do you know- her unusual crescent shaped birthmark was exactly what the creepy doctor examining her was looking for. Next thing she knows Harper is slated to be the new consort to an alien prince all due to some prophecy.

The bad spoilers:

The love interest. Hated him. He was an idiot.
So at one point in the story Harper escapes and ends up with the armadillo people-she safe AND has a way out. In comes horny d- bag. Why would he take her back to the hold?

I get the collar idea, but she was safe, and all the other creeps and killers thought she was dead-Yay! No one was trying to rape and kill her! So why bring her back and let them know she was still alive? Just so he could fuck her?


I get the alpha bad boy/ dubious consent concept but this was straight up rape. She said no. Even if her body responded there was no consent or understanding between them- but Nameless just had to claim her so the other killers wouldn't challenge him? Wouldn't they try to take her regardless- they tried later even though he forced himself on her. Then the smug asshole had the audacity to laugh in her face afterwards and collar her.

"Nameless couldn't help but smile as he held Harper against his chest. He wasn't entirely proud of himself, he'd basically forced Harper."

Basically? No dude ya did.

Afterwards Harper is fine with it because she needs his protection- but she only needed his protection because he dragged her back into danger.


More crap:
*you saved or helped me but it was dangerous so I must punish you now female
*I own you-mine mine mine
*do what I say because you have no choice- but, love you!
*fate/ connection/ insta love
*you treat me like a pet and do things I don't like- but ur hot- so its cool in the end

whatever- after that one scene I almost DNF'ed but finished anyway