A review by teriboop
If Someone Says "You Complete Me," RUN!: Whoopi's Big Book of Relationships by Whoopi Goldberg


I love Whoopi Goldberg's sense of humor. This book is not so much a humorous book as it is a self-help book for the person who is struggling with relationships, Whoopi style. Whoopi has opinions and she shares them with you. You may or may not agree with the details, but the overall theme is that you have to take care of you first and be yourself before you can be in a relationship. Be honest and open from the start and never compromise.

I would have liked to see more of her humor coming through. It was still fun to listen to her read (I listened to the audio book) but overall it wasn't a book/message I thought I needed to hear, but it may be good for people that need a new outlook on their own relationships.