A review by leaflinglearns
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed


I don't necessarily want to say that this book saved me, because I wasn't close to any sort of demise, but Tiny Beautiful Things came to me at a time when I needed it most. It took me out of a book slump, and it's still leading me out of a weird post-graduation anxiety slump/perpetual panic. Reading a collection of advice columns initially just sounded like a fun time. Little did I know that Cheryl Strayed was about to blow my perceptions about life and myself apart, and help give me the tools I needed to piece it all back together into something better. It was medicine I didn't know I needed.

Beautiful advice is given to those with small, but meaningful, problems, and those with earth-shatteringly brutal issues. Your breath will be taken away by these anonymous writers' ability to share themselves and try to change, as well as by how Cheryl Strayed always knows the right thing to say. Unlike most advice columnists, she's not afraid to share parts of her own life in her responses, for which I am grateful. I don't think any book has ever made me cry and be completely astonished and hopeful more than Tiny Beautiful Things. I will be returning to this book for years to come.

Full review: http://outlandishlit.blogspot.com/2015/08/2-perfect-magical-books-for-times-of.html