A review by dmpphoto
The Boy Who Couldn't Fly Straight by Jeff Jacobson


I had I high hopes for this book and it was doing well for a bit tho it was a slow burn. The magic system needs work seems to lack a solid foundation so when characters talked about it they where unnecessarily vague to the point of being annoying.

The plot line was building slowly but surely though it lacked action the character development was good and I felt it was heading in a good direction taking its time to find itself and then it just ended... it ends so abruptly I thought part of the audiobook had corrupted in the download. I can't even call it a cliffhanger just banal to the point of being jarring. I swear author must have had one book the publisher decided was to long for the intended audience so they cut it in half arbitrarily leaving this book with out the proper presence of a villain a climax or a conclusion.