A review by katykelly
A History of the World in 21 Women: A Personal Selection by Jenni Murray


Passionate and rather fascinating feminist perspective on some famous (and not so famous) women of significance.

Jenni Murray clearly feels strongly about her subject here, and as the reader of the Audible version, her passion also is evident to the listener as she brings us forward in time from such figures as Joan of Arc and Catherine the Great, all the way to Hillary Clinton and Madonna.

From the political stateswomen to artists, musicians, sportspersons - I was surprised and rather intrigued by the detail Murray has brought together. As an 'insider' herself, who had interviewer a few of the subjects, her own findings brought personal touches and facts I hadn't known.

The style of the book worked, biographical facts mixed with personal opinion. For those women I knew, their sections were absorbing. Those that were new to me, I found rather intriguing as well. It is a good range of subjects, from various times and places, fields and backgrounds.

There are a good number of these sorts of books coming out now, both for adults and children, and there is a worry that we will become saturated by such 'potted female history', though this is surely going to lead the pack in its almost reverential look at their lives and influence.

Rather inspiring, and packed with gems of unknown information. Murray's narration of the audio version is a very enjoyable listen, flows nicely within each chapter, though I would have, as with much non-fiction liked chapters to be named after their subjects, for ease of reference if looking for a particular figure.

With thanks to Nudge Books for providing a sample Audible copy.