A review by thestarman
The Wellstone by Wil McCarthy

RATING: 2+ suns. Fantasy, not science fiction.

REVIEW: Tedious immortal-ish teen angst + magical nano-matter to solve all* problems = YAWN.

* And I mean ALL problems -- even
Spoiler death
, sort of.

Spoiler Character XMary was the only light here (and the only female character of much consequence). She was far more interesting than the idiotic farting & fighting boys. Sadly, XMary got insufficient page time.

-- When no one can "die," any attempts at tension are wasted.
-- This is Book 2 of a series, apparently. This was NOT mentioned on the front or back cover, nor elsewhere. There was only the vague mention of another book (Collapsium) set in the same universe. This is a fail in marketing and information. (Perhaps your copy of the book is updated and more accurately presented?)
-- Lots of other things I won't bore you with. But if you like your "science" fiction pretty silly and fantastical, this may be a fun book for you.