A review by afoolsingenuity
Head Coach by Lia Riley


I enjoyed the first book in this series, Mister Hockey, but I only read that so I could get started on this romance and oh boy was this one good.

I adored Tor Gunnar from the start. There is something about a gruff older man in a book which I am a sucker for every time and Tor ticked all of my boxes. He was sweet and charming, and a big fan of puns, but that was hidden under a layer of straight faces, seriousness, and sharp remarks which were designed to push folks away.

Even in Mister Hockey, I could tell that sparks were going to fly between him and Neve Angel. Neve comes across as a determined strong woman who knows what she wants and has the confidence to go after it. In reality, she is shy and self-conscious, and like most women has an army of doubts and insecurities she hasn't given voice to. She may get under Tor's skin and appear to have her shit together but in reality, she is winging it and as much as she can get under Tor's skin, he can also get under hers and give rise to all of her doubts without ever realising it.

The pair together are a bundle of snark, banter and insecurities with a whole bunch of sexual tension thrown in there for good luck. These two were always going to have a brilliantly fun book and that is exactly what Head Coach is. I actually didn't even bother reading the summary for this one before buying but I knew it was going to be good. Every page was a joy and I did get a little nervous that the pair might not use their words enough leading to misunderstandings which can always frustrate me (why do romance characters not realise that communication is the key to any good relationship?) but whilst there were misunderstandings they were never the reason for the struggle in the growing relationship between Neve and Tor, instead it was life and jobs and normal everyday things and I loved that. Sometimes a girl does not want to read about overblown relationship drama and would rather see real people figuring out how to make their relationship work in the real world.

This book worked for me in many ways and I totally cannot wait to read the next book in the series. They just keep getting better.