A review by allomancersam
Guarding a Notorious Lady by Olivia Parker


1.5 Stars

I kind of hesitate to rate this in the one star range, because I didn't *hate* it, and it didn't make me angry. But my goodness, it was both boring and quite dumb.

*Somehow instalove despite being a "brother's best friend, I've known you for years" kind of situation. I never got a good feel for any real connection or history
*I didn't like the banter. An absolutely cardinal sin for a romance, to be sure. There were moments when they'd get started and then one of them would back down like they'd been bested (which was nonsensical in its own way)
*The ending was super rushed
*The whole thing was kind of rushed
*I didn't care for any of the side characters either
*Why was him agreeing to guard her in exchange for some whiskey such a huge insult? You'd think that him accepting a relatively meager prize in exchange for watching over her for the entire season would be a compliment? Like it didn't take much to convince him? Why was she so upset about this???
*Did I mention how unsatisfactory the ending was?

Anyway, I didn't hate this, I don't think, but I certainly did not care for it