A review by nbiblioholic
Femme Fatale by C.A. Bell


A copy was given for an honest opinion

This book may have been relatively short, but it packed one heck of a punch!! It had all the makings of a great story, such as intrigue, deception, suspense, drama, and it was incredibly sexy.

I really liked Monica and the idea of transforming her into a self-assured and confidant woman. I'm all for girl power and The Agency seemed to have a knack for enhancing the beauty that was already there and bolstering the self-esteem of its agents.

The story had a real Charlie's Angels kind of vibe which I loved! It was unique and refreshing. The writing was pretty fluid and kept my interest going from beginning to end.

The only problem I had was with a certain word and its usage. It could be because I was born and raised in Canada, not England. I'm not sure. It was the word wiggle or wiggled, as in she wiggled away from him in order to catch his eye. It threw me off a bit and made me picture something quite different than what the author intended. I thought a better word would have been sashayed or something similar.

Rest assured, this was a fantastic read and I can't wait to see what the author has planned for book 2, His Agency. Maybe I'll even get to see Edward's POV *wink*.