A review by resolutereader
The Long Depression: Marxism and the Global Crisis of Capitalism by Michael Roberts


I've focused in this review on what I consider to be the key part of The Long Depression - it's systematic explanation of the cause of slump and the importance of a Marxist approach. There is much more here. Readers of Michael Robert's blog will know that the has discussed the question of robot and AI technology and whether this will lead to a rosy future or a dystopian nightmare. Again he puts the question of profitability at the heart of this, showing that a completely robotic knowledge economy in the future is impossible. The chapters that look at the economic prospects for particular countries and regions are also interesting, if sobering, accounts of the bleak future for most working people unless they fight back.
Full review on the blog: http://resolutereader.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/michael-roberts-long-depression.html