A review by pahinik
Baiting the Maid of Honor by Tessa Bailey


Reed was an insufferable, emotionally-stunted manchild who constantly demanded sex from Julie. He refused to compromise or grow or be emotionally available, but he wanted her body, her loyalty, and he refused to take no for an answer. He pulled asshole move after asshole move, and thus, when he did the bare minimum, Julie was elated. IT IS BASIC CONDITIONING. She was constantly treated like trash and had her feelings generally disregarded, that when he showed the most minimal attempts to communicate, she would melt like butter and give in. JULIE DO YOU NOT REMEMBER BEING TREATED LIKE A ROTTEN PILE OF TRASH??? HOW did you forget??? He said AWFUL things to her, his idea of an apology is a card game, and he literally stole all her stuff and put it in his house, just expecting her to move in. Like ??!?
He was an emotionally stunted manchild who didn’t know what to do with his feelings so he lashed out. He didn’t even explain to her that he liked her, gave no declarations of love, straight up told her he wanted her and that she was his. THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY. WOMEN ARE NOT PROPERTY. And this wasn’t just his dominant attitude in bed, this was Reed all. the. time. Sure alpha types can be sexy, but he did ZERO things to make himself emotionally available for her. He just couldn’t stand the thought of not owning her.
This is 2019. We work on ourselves if we want to be in healthy relationships. Reed did not work on himself, and dictated their entire relationship because he has an insufferable need to be in total control. This wasn’t good characterisation, he didn’t HAVE a character arc, he was just an asshole who remained an asshole through the entirety of the book.