A review by karenavila85
Breakers by Edward W. Robertson


Glad it only cost me $.99 or else I would have been extremely disappointed. It started with a great premise about Aliens wiping humanity with a virus and humans immune to the virus finding the strength to survive. It's another dystopian novel focusing on two separate stories: Raymond & Mia and Walter's journey. I did enjoy Raymond and Mia. They were extremely witty and well-liked. I also enjoyed all the culture references in the novel because it made the reader connect more with the characters. However, I didn't care so much for Walter, he seemed very needy and selfish, and to be honest his story was boring.

Now Do I wish to continue the series? HECK NO. I was bored out of my mind with all the long chapters and unnecessary details. I thought the problem was the two different stories. If it just focused on one story it would work better. Well, to my surprise that's how the series is broken down but I'd be lying if I said I didn't care what other characters did during the invasion. It's just too much effort for me and time I'm not willing to sacrifice. Sorry "Breakers," you just didn't do it for me.