A review by sasha_in_a_box
Roomies by Tara Altebrando, Sara Zarr


I went into this book thinking it was going to be all about squealing and girly things and an easy coming of age college romp. Nope! It was a lot deeper than that.

Elizabeth and Lauren both get into UC Berkley, and start e-mailing each other in June before their move-in date in August. They develop a tight friendship and go through a lot together in the couple of months before actually meeting. It touched on some interesting themes that I didn't expect to see - the accountability of adults, loyalty and selective truth-telling, and a very genuine look at the fleeting impermanence of that last summer before your life changes forever. Even a tiny thing about interracial relationship that felt fresh and realistic. Very touchy! I loved how that was handled, and everything else. The ending was exactly what I expected, and there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe it lost a little bit of its steam towards the end, but the book itself is very strong. Very recommended to everyone who is about to go off to college.