A review by cindai23
Brighter Than the Sun by Darynda Jones


Reyes Alexander Farrow, the sexy son of Satan, Charley Davidsons main squeeze and biggest protector, finally gets a chance to tell his story. Forewarned, it is sad and brutal. This story might be hard to understand if you weren't familiar with the series, but as a long time fan, it is heartbreaking. We have only ever caught glimpses of Reyes' past as seen by Charley. He is notoriously guarded with rare glimmers of his inner thoughts.
This story takes us back to the very first time he saw Charley. As a very young abused little boy trying to escape his pain, he falls into, what he believes is a dream, and witnesses her birth. Throughout his life, she is the solace he seeks to heal himself and keep him sane. He loves her and protects her, and eventually, he falls in love with her.

Reyes slowly begins to remember who and what he is, and just what Charley is, and what he did to reach this plane to be with her.

It is a great story, and a huge payoff for all of the loyal fans. To see him protecting his sister by enduring unspeakable horrors, or finally making a friend in Amador, or seeing Charley in the flesh and realizing she's not a figment of his imagination, it's all there. But now you can slip into his thoughts and understand why he did the things he had done.

I love this series for it's snark and it's unbelievable heart, but this story was a different balance. It broke my heart many times and gave me a sense of hope for the smoking hot son of Satan and the Reaper named Charley!