A review by ladylunabee
Her Dragon Daddy by Roxie Ray


DNF at 81%

Could I have finished this? Yeah, sure. Do I really feel the need to bother? No.

The premise of this story is honestly a promising one. I liked that these were characters in their 30's with aspects of their lives figured out. But the execution of this story was... not great. Like, it's fine. Tolerable in most places.

But at the same time, I don't feel much of a connection to this story. I know I'm DNFing, but if this story were slightly better written with 100 extra pages to really get into the world of this story and give the characters room to shine and grow and exist, I actually would have had a better chance of finishing this book, and maybe even moving on to the next. But as it is, everything in this story is very surface level. Very flat, 2D. Basic.

If you're looking for a quick read without much in it, maybe this is more for you than it was for me.