A review by stoker
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke


I don’t know if this is the right word to describe this book but my experience reading this book was so delightful?!

The author masterfully crafted this book (which is astonishing for a debut author honestly). 

The writing wasn’t clunky despite the book being 1000+ pages. Every scene felt important in either creating depth within a character or progressing the plot. This is even more remarkable when you see how many footnotes there are😭😭. Susanna made this book feel like a historical account too which is why I loved this book so much. The footnotes were the perfect touch. 

The characters are definitely my favourite part of this book. Norrell is a jittery, stuck up little man that you are so frustrated with from the get go. The way he was pictured by the people he met was hilarious. Even though I didn’t like him, his PoV was interesting to read from, again showing how good the author is. Stranger’s arc was so fun to read about and his conclusion was perfect.  The side characters were everything to me. Childermass, Stephen Black, Arabella Strange were my favourite and I will miss them all🥹

Deffo a new fave I will love this book forever.