A review by libralita
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo


Individual short story review:

Ayama and the Thorn Wood – (5/5)

So it’s the minotaur retelling…minus the whole woman dressing up like a bull to get it on with another bull. Greek mythology is weird.

I like this second tale. Child killing is always interesting.

Charming story, but you two 3 stories with twists and then to end on a happy note feels a little hypocritical.

The Too-Clever Fox – (4/5)

Second story where cleverness and wit is better than beauty. And also that making assumptions is bad. It was pretty obvious that Sofiya was the hunter.

The Witch of Duva – (5/5)

Okay, this was a really good twist. This one started off boring but the ending was bone chilling.

Little Knife – (3/5)

Finally we’re getting some Grisha. Y’know for a series called the Grishaverse the first two stories had very little mention of them. This was very meh overall.

The Soldier Prince – (5/5)

The poor nutcracker. He just wants to be a real boy! I find it very amusing that Clara became a writer. Oh shit and now the mother is under the nutcracker curse.

When Water Sang Fire – (5/5)

This story was probably my favorite. I think Fjerdan is my favorite country. It has such an interesting culture.