A review by kristid
Another Faust by Dina Nayeri, Daniel Nayeri


This was an interesting read to say the least. I wasn’t aware when I first found the title was that the title was an extension of “Faustian bargains” or what I’ve always known it as– selling your soul to the devil. Perhaps I was alone in this revelation. I’ve seen it portrayed in literature and movies before, but this was an altogether take, which was refreshing.

I enjoyed the overall story, the manipulations, the deceit, the jealousy, makes you feel all warm in fuzzy inside to know what humans are capable of. But despite my intrigue with overall premise, at times I found the story to be tedious and sporadic. Parts of the story felt incomplete, while others were beautifully detailed.

And the ending for me, was completely anticlimactic. I found that I had a lot more questions than answers. Who really was Madame Vileroy and what was the point?

However, I did enjoyed the power of redemption that some of the characters ultimately achieved.