_because_she_reads's reviews
342 reviews

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

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I knew it! Clocked it in the last book but I still ate up each and every word of this book, waiting in anticipation for the very last page to confirm my suspicions. 

MY GOD SARAH! I’m obsessed. 
Is it wishful thinking for me to still ship Chaol and her 🥹 they only got a few moments of happiness 😭 unfair. 

I surprisingly wasn’t as said about Nehemia’s fate I think because she herself knew it would happen. But ugh I need to know everything right now. 
I want more on Dorian’s past, we’re getting so much tension between all the characters and now she’s away!! Ahh I feel like I need the story to pick up immediately with all of them confronting each other! 

Also for best friends Dorian and Chaol keep a lot from each other 👀 men 🙄 they need to learn to work together. But WOW. On the tip of my toes, this was brilliant!
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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Entering this book with many expectations and no idea what will happen next, so far the story is completely pulling me in. I’m intrigued at what’s going to happen, and starting to like Celeana more and more. I like the childlike wonder she seems to possess while also being intelligent and cunning. 

Having read ACOTAR and Crescent City, the pull and relationships between the characters are less to me. I would like to see more of her friendship with Nehemia and learn more about nehemia’s background. I like this love triangle that seems to be happening… can’t wait to see how it evolves. I’m rooting for Chaol. 

In terms of plot, I love where this is going, the demons remind me of the ones in Crescent City and I think I’ve heard that all these worlds are connected so I’m really excited to say how it keeps going. 
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

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I don’t know if it’s because I’m just getting into the world of Throne of Glass but I was expecting a little more from this book. While I found it super intriguing and attention grabbing, I was just adjusting to the world and all the new information/characters. I understood motivations and feelings and I felt it with the characters but something was missing for me. 

There was a disconnect for me with Celaena, I was looking for something more than a pretty girl who trained to be an assassin but actually has fears even though she put son a brave face. I know she potential to be one of my fav characters but it didn’t instantly click here. And maybe because I accidentally stumbled upon spoilers with Sam that it didn’t impact me the way I was hoping for. I’m hoping I learn more about her and it will eventually hit me more but right now I’m a little indifferent with everything…
Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel

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There were definitely many tips that were useful in this book! I didn’t realized it would be as corporate as it was, I thought the title was more of a metaphor but I do feel as though there were parts that were more relevant in a corporate setting. 

I really enjoyed the stories of different woman, how their experiences can be used as examples and teachings for readers to gain a full context on errors that we can fix to gain an upper hand, wherever we are. I feel that most can also be applied to your personal life. It’s a great woman empowerment book that gives you a different perspective and approach to subconscious actions we make that can impact our professional stance. 

I have so many tabs and highlights on things I need to work on myself. One specific scenario I didn’t agree with was about being the scapegoat. I would’ve said something immediately in that meeting if my boss didn’t speak up for me. Regardless of the aftermath, there is a respectful way to bring up the fact that this was never your responsibility in front of all parties involved. You cannot solve the issue after the fact when it’s no longer relevant and you can’t trust the person to have your back the next time…
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling

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I didn’t know what I was really going into with this book but once I did the quiz in the prologue and only got 2 out of the 13 questions right, I was hooked and I was humbled. I needed to know why I thought the way I did and where I went where. 

This book is all about being able to take all the information that’s given to you and think critically about it. It’s fascinating how lazy we are as a society now that we just take all news at face value without doing our own research. What is shown is not always the full picture and this is what the authors strive to convey with their lessons. 

Absolutely loved this book! Wow, I’m happy to not know everything, to learn as I grow, and to be able to change my opinions when new information arises.