_ckarys's reviews
433 reviews

Fence #3 by C.S. Pacat

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This series gets more interesting by the number! I have a new obsession, Puddings. If only I could fence...
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

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This book deserves all the praises in the world. I'm going to let the 5 stars speak for themselves while I curl up in a corner and cry forever.

Sam Cortland deserved better.

December 22, 2016: You thought I was done grieving? Nope.
The Bane Chronicles by Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson

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You are scored on my heart, Magnus Bane. I love this warlock more than words will ever be able to express. What a treat this one was. Needless to say, my favorite story was The Course of True Love (And First Dates)-for Malec reasons.
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo

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It felt so good to dive back into the Grisha world, even if only through fairytales. As always, Leigh Bardugo's writing is simply enchanting! One of the things I loved most about this book is that anyone with even a basic knowledge of fairytales will easily recognize the classic fairytales that the author drew inspiration from.
I've seen many people wonder if this book can be read without reading the other Leigh Bardugo books and the answer is yes. These stories have been concieved as fairytales that the characters in the other books would have grown up hearing, so you can pick up this book if you are looking for some fairytale retellings to read. However, the last fairytale, When Water Sang Fire, does have a little treat for the fans of the books, one that made me gasp, scream, cry and feel all of the feelings. The character in question is one of two of my favorite Leigh Bardugo characters, so if you know me at all, you can easily narrow it down.
My favorite was definitely When Water Sang Fire, not only because I love myself a good mermaid story and the Dragon knows that I am in need of many more mermaid reads, but because this fairytale offered me more background on one of my favorite characters of all time. You think you've moved on from
Spoiler Darkles
, but the truth is we will never be done with each other! Leigh Bardugo, I beg thee, give me a spinoff series of this character.

Here is my rating for each fairytale:
Ayama and the Thorn Wood: 5 stars.
The Too-Clever Fox: 4 stars.
The Witch of Duva: 2 stars.
Little Knife: 3 stars.
The Soldier Prince: 2 stars.
When Water Sang Fire: 5(billion and counting) stars.
Pet by C.S. Pacat

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Leave it to C.S Pacat to take one of my least favorite characters of the entire series and turn him into one of my babies! I was not as excited for Pet as I was for the other three short stories, but let me tell you, friends, I would like to slap myself in the face for ever doubting this would be anything less than a masterpiece!
Let's set aside the Damen and Laurent references, because OF COURSE I loved them with every fiber of my body. Seeing Damen and Laurent in the times of Captive Prince, when they couldn't stand one another, is always so entertaining! *whispers* Must. Reread. This. Series. Now.
The true revelation of this short story, however, is its protagonist, Ancel. What I percieved of him in Captive Prince was that he was a highly ambitious young man, at times even heartless. Is Ancel ambitious? Hell yeah, and he is brazen enough to back up his ambition with facts. But heartless? Ladies and gentlefriends, there is a beating heart pumping wildly in that marvelous chest, and I loved every minute of it!
This cannot be the last chapter in the Captive Prince world!