_readobituaries's reviews
230 reviews

Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian

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Dante was a far more complex character than Lucan was. The visions had an odd twist considering the first book has introduced that breedmates had special abilities but not there was no mention of the breed having them. I won’t fault the book for that- it was still a great either way. I highly enjoy the follow through with the previous books villain. A lot of books, I feel they rush to the conclusion of fighting the “big bad” but this is doing nicely to drag out. The introduction of Harvard was great. I haven’t gotten further in the series but I’m already shipping Harvard and his dead brothers breedmate. That probably sounds bad but oh well.
Finding You by Carla Neggers

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I enjoyed “White Hot” by the same author- so I decided to give this book a try. It was okay. The mystery and how it tied together with the plane crash was definitely weird. Not something I would sit down and read but good for listening to.
White Hot by Carla Neggers

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Good book. I enjoy PI stories& this one was great. The mystery had a good twist on who it was. They definitely have done what magicians do- keep you focused over here so you don’t see the trick over there. One I wouldn’t sit down and read but good for listening to.
The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole

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These books do not have the greatest world building. I enjoy that they focus around the main group of Valkyrie but they keep up the “I’m not interested” too long and so it feels like a complete flip flop because they get too close to the end and have ran out of room for it to actually play out how it should.
Secret Star by Nora Roberts

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I liked this less than the other two but certainly still 4 stars. Again, “I love you” comes way too fast. I barely decide to LIKE someone in 3-4 days, much less decide I love them. The events of this happen all within a 2 week time span. Honestly? I would read the first and ignore the rest. Better for listening to than to actually read.
Captive Star by Nora Roberts

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This entire series has a rushed feeling to it. I love you’s come within days of the characters knowing each other. This one is odd. Without knowing the inner thoughts of MJ, Cade would come off a tad pushy and creepy. Decent book. Better to listen to than to actually read.
Hidden Star by Nora Roberts

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Decent book. Everything is a bit hurried. This one is by far the best of the series. The amnesia storyline adds a lot. I’m a tad weirded out by the “I love you”s in a weeks time but it’s not something I would not finish. Perfect for listening to rather than actually read.
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole

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Better than the first in my opinion. I find it kind of cheesy that all of this is “fated” but it winds up working out. I honestly feel like they defeat he “big bad” too fast and wonder who they will use as the villain in later books considering they killed off Evos and Demestru.
Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

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Great book. Perfect for a 1-2 day read. This book is the start of an amazing story about the new girl in a small town carving a place for herself, whether that be a good or bad thing is depending on how you look at it. I love the Characters of the Glass house- Eve being a particular favorite. The writing makes you feel the intended way, rooting for the main characters and HATING Monica Morrell. I love how this book ended and the cliff hanger for the second book. The addition of pages from Eves diary at the end is a nice added feature& I enjoyed reading from her point of view (even tho the diary got some things mixed up and were in the wrong order lol)
The Dead Girls' Dance by Rachel Caine

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Things really amped up in this book. I’m lucky and have a job that allows for down time to read because I couldn’t put it down! Packed with tons of action. I love the natural progression of Shane and Claire’s relationship. Most books try and rush things too much but this has a natural progression of a teenager love affair. I can’t wait to read the 3rd- unfortunately I still have 3 of my 12 hour shift, so it’ll have to wait.