_readobituaries's reviews
233 reviews

Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Acheron, the ever omnipotent leader of the Dark Hunters, has been a character I always gravitated to. He’s by far my favorite character. The historical parts of this book are amazing. Heart wrenching descriptions of torture no one should ever have to endure. Trigger Warning for abuse, drug use and sexual assault for sure. I highly enjoyed this book and have read it multiple times. One of the best in the DH series.
Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Sherrilyn Kenyon is one of my favorite authors. This book is a great read. I loved the body positivity endorsed in this book. &the mysteries are always great. Her characters are so diverse and intertwined that I highly enjoy reading about them throughout each book.
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

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This series has a way of changing how you feel about characters you once thought you knew your feelings for. Each character’s personality is so well written and defined that you can know how each person will react and yet it still is a mystery as to how things will end up. I love seeing the relationship between Feyre and her sisters flourish as they start to find their place in this world. The end was so amazing- I never would have seen half the twist and turns coming. When enemies are friends and friends are enemies- who do you trust? The ending had me at the edge of my seat, surprised at every turn, having my expectations subverted. Truly an amazing series and story.
Burnt Offerings by Laurell K. Hamilton

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Absolutely loved this book! The introduction of the council ramps the series up from here on out and I am highly excited. Richard, Jean-Claude and Anita are forever locked in a confusing love triangle that isn’t made easier by all the metaphysical connections. &the unexpected twist of who was behind the fires! I never would have guessed.
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

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I enjoyed this book but it honestly took a bit of effort. The first half (the entire thing really) was really slow and there wasn’t much going on. The switching back and forth almost every chapter really confused me until I got the hang of checking each chapter first to see whose POV it was in. This isn’t meant to be “the 4th book” which is what I was told it was- it’s meant to be a 3.5 where nothing really happens but it’s closing out the few plot threads of Feyre’s story that remained after ACOWAR and introduces Nesta’s story. I’m in a ton of bookworm groups and a lot of people suggested skipping it but I really didn’t want to. If you are looking for action packed, plot propelling continuation of ACOTAR- this is not it. But if you just love the world of ACOTAR and would love a light, easy read with the characters you love- then it’s perfect. You won’t miss anything if you decide not to read it- so don’t worry!
A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton

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Loved this book. You can definitely tell Laurell K Hamilton wrote this but I love the insight into fairy lore. Not really any mystery to this story but is still a very good book.
A Caress of Twilight by Laurell K. Hamilton

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Wonderful book! I love the expansion of the story world. The involvement of the Seelie Court was an awesome expansion to the series. I listen to them while at work& it’s lovely to have the distraction while driving from place to place. Definitely a great read (or listen lol)
Seduced by Moonlight by Laurell K. Hamilton

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Genuinely loving the progression of the story. For a book where the main characters entire purpose is to be have sex-a lot more happens. Something is always going on in faerie. I love how Kitto has become more involved. His and Rhys’ relationship to one another is a great storyline. The powers are starting to amp up in this book& only get crazier as it goes.
A Stroke of Midnight by Laurell K. Hamilton

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A lot happens in this story. The entire book takes place over a day- maybe two. Murders, Power, The Queen, the torture chambers, spies and betrayal. Merry is starting to figure out how to rule. The consequences of her actions and the importance of her people. Definitely a good one, even if it’s all packed into one day.
The Sorority Murder by Allison Brennan

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TW for Book: Violence, Drinking, and Drug Use, Possible Suicide.

Was a great book. The mystery of Candace’s death and how it ties into Lucas and his podcast is very clever. I didn’t expect the story to take the turn of events that it did. The author did a great job of hiding what information they wished to remain hidden until the most opportune time. The story moves quickly, with the characters progressing through both time and the mystery at a very fast rate. So, It was pretty fast paced- even though the dates at the beginning of the chapters were useless. No one pays attention enough to care about the day of the week. The addition of pages from Candace’s diary were a wonderful touch. I love that they were added even before the discovery of the diaries location. They were placed perfectly within the story to outline what had happened in the previous chapter and what was about to happen. Beautiful foreshadowing with the use of her diary entries.

My biggest gripe that is the #1 reason I took a star? They repeat information WAY too much. The closest thing I can compare it to is this: A; AP; APP; APPL; APPLE; APPLES; APPLESA, APPLESAU, APPLESAUC, APPLESAUCE. Now, imagine each letter as a “fact” or clue that they find. By the end, where they spell the whole word (aka- solve the mystery and come to a conclusion) they’ve repeated the first 3 facts 10x. If APP was the first 3 facts/clues then by the end they would be repeated AT LEAST 8x- even more if it’s the A (first fact/clue) or the first P (the second fact/clue). By the end of it were like “okay... we get it... we’ve already heard the first 1/2 of the timeline 10x- please stop bringing it up like it’s my first time hearing these clues!”

Lucas is kind of annoying and shady. He repeatedly jumps the gun and calls/messages/visits people and because he isn’t great at explaining what he is looking for without sounding shady- it kills his chances and Regan is left going back and begging them to speak to her. I feel he is the main reason Alexa wouldn’t speak to them at first but had no issue speaking to Regan alone later on. &His romance with Lizzy was a bit unexpected. It never hinted to it and then BAM! Lizzy is kissing him? They also made a big deal out of making it clear he didn’t attend NAU specifically to find out about Adele but I honestly think it would have given the reader a bit more understanding inside the mind of Lucas and made his motivations clearer had Adele going missing been what sparked not only his desire to attend NAU but also his desire to pursue a career in criminal justice. He would have had a much more thorough and thought out line of thinking and character traits had they tied his schooling to motivation for solving Adele going missing.

Regan was an amazing character. I wish they had explored her past with her son being murdered and how it connected back to the case she is working on today. It touches on it lightly but they could have used this premise to take Regans character arc to new places. I loved her dad. I thought both her dad and professor Henry were just the cutest old men. I have the same issue with Regans “romance” as I did Lucas’. This was not a book that needed romance. It added nothing to the story and was pointless. I honestly feel the book would have been better without the bad attempt at throwing some romance in at the end because it threw off the whole vibe of the book and made you think “uhm... okay? Who cares? Get on with it!”

I actually really liked Rachel. Not as in, I like her as a person, but I enjoyed how well her character was fleshed out. The author made sure to add little bits and pieces throughout the beginning that didnt call attention until brought back later on- such as the photos in Rachel’s office being strictly of when she was in college. Her motivations were so complex and disturbing that you often question “is this lady serious” to a point where she sometimes comes off as dumb or naive. From dating the detective investigating the case of the girl she murdered to her poor attempts at covering things up via saying she dumped the cop and so he framed her (even though they had the diary as evidence- something the cops can’t just fake). The character was so well written that it was like taking a glimpse inside the mind of an insane woman who is slowly coming unraveled.

Even with liking Rachel’s character build out- The book had an amazing way of making you route for Candace even though she technically was apart of a horrible cover-up of the murder of an innocent young girl. Redemption arcs for characters that help cover up the murder of an innocent girl isn’t an easy thing to write. But the way this character is written, you can feel her remorse and guilt. There were times when my heart broke for her because I could feel the desperation, the loneliness, the fear, anger and sadness at feeling like you are trying to do the right thing but those around you that you love and care for are standing in your way. Even knowing Candace was definitely dying, I still hoped she would kick Rachel and get away... or swim fast enough to lose her... or Taylor has a change of heart and helps Candace. Even knowing it wasn’t going to happen, I still hoped.. and my heart still broken when that hope was crushed.

Again, it was a wonderful book. I took a star away because it repeated everything A LOT, I didn’t enjoy Lucas as a person very much (which makes me thankful that most of it is written from the 3rd person narrative of Regan), the story moves too fast and even though takes place over the span of like a week+ it feels like 2-3 days and the unwarranted and unwanted romance that just jerked you back to earth and out of the ~vibe~ you were into (its like watching a horror movie and suddenly it’s a hallmark movie- it kills the suspense and tension).