a_little_person's reviews
80 reviews

Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film by Carol J. Clover

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Hit or miss. It is oscillating between interesting points of view, and overanalysis through Freudian nonsense. The writting feels detached from reality ; the points made are sometimes so convoluted and lost in Freudian Jargon that it isn't understandable. I am really missing simple and concise sentences, which are able to get an argument across, instead of an academic paper. It gets lost, and cannot bridge the gap between Theory and usefulness outside of it's world. 
Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement by Anuradha Ghandy

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informative reflective fast-paced


Concise, to the point. Masterfully written. Great overview of Feminism and it's critiques.
Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training Body and Mind by Sakyong Mipham

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It feels introductory to meditation, and to running. What I would have loved is diving into Meditation + running, whose surface it barely scratched. Would recommend for either a beginning runner or meditator, besides that it is rather benign.
Landscapes of Liminality: Between Space and Place by

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Very difficult to know for whom the book is. It's a collection of 10 essays that uses liminality to explore their thesis. Since the topics are so divers, it is difficult to really get into them all. The inquiry of liminality's concept wasn't satisfying as an exploration. It mostly is just used as a tool for understanding different social and anthropological cases.
Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography by Roland Barthes

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reflective fast-paced


Fascinating insight into his well articulated thoughts. Some words where put on my feelings about photography which I never dared to think about - mostly about not connecting with the grand majority of photographs. Quick and not too heavy. Nice for a day in bed!
Creative Quest by Questlove

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lighthearted medium-paced


It's nice. Very safe. Feels conversational. Sometimes makes you think a bit, but mostly not mindshattering. If you are interested in music, it might even be richer.
On Disobedience: Why Freedom Means Saying No to Power by Erich Fromm

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inspiring reflective fast-paced


Very well written. Concise. It's good and fast, but could be more thorough.
The Agony of Eros by Byung-Chul Han

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It is difficult for me to relate what he is saying to the practical life I see and feel. The discrepancy between these two robbes me from a useful understand going beyond a theoretical framework. Additional literature might be a cure, but my incentive to seek it out is not motivated enough.
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky

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informative medium-paced


The first and most scientific half was thorough, thus also tedious for a non scientific person. The second half was far superior in terms of impact and usefulness. The first part is essential for understanding the more useful parts. Rough start, but worth the effort in the end.