aashima's reviews
94 reviews

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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Aza Holmes is a sixteen year old girl suffering from OCD. She is trying to lead a normal life, not hurt the people who love her but it is difficult due to the ever tightening spiral of thoughts she is caught in.
One day, her best friend Daisy wants them to solve the mystery of the run-away billionaire, Russell Pickett, because of a hundred thousand dollars prize. Aza had once went to, what she described as, a 'sad camp' with his son, Davis. Their paths cross once again due to this pursuit.
The writing, I found, is strikingly different from TFIOS. In TATWD, the dialogue, especially the inner dialogue, is very strong. It doesn't make you feel FOR Aza, but makes you feel as if YOU ARE Aza. Her vulnerability, her struggle with the self, you sail through it.
john Green doesn't romanticize mental illness. He has said that TATWD is his most personal book till now and that he himself has struggled with OCD. It reflects in his writing.
I didn't cry (like I did while reading TFIOS). I was teary-eyed sometimes but shook mostly.
Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote

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Getting to know Holly from the book was more delightful than from the movie.
Steve Jobs: Genius by Design by Amit Tayal, Amit, Jason Quinn, Tayal

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It humanizes the technology giant and that's what I liked the most about this book. There is a balance to the point where you see his flaws as well. It is really nicely illustrated and is a 1-hour read.