abbeylane's reviews
137 reviews

I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb

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3-3.5 stars. Interesting read…very flawed main character…but that is part of the story and he does experience some growth. Almost gave up around 300 pages in because of something he did. I had to put the book down for a day, but then decided to finish it anyways while just acknowledging that he’s done shitty things. Honestly I wish the book was from the point of view of the other twin (who is the more likeable one imo). Possibly questionable depictions of mental health. I wasn’t a fan of how heavy the end of the book was with whole chapters from his grandfathers memoir. I don’t know if I’m going to go around recommending this book, but I did enjoy reading it (for the most part). Longest book I’ve ever read and I only felt like giving up once, so that says something!
Denison Avenue by Christina Wong

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This book really just wasn’t my style. I had a hard time getting into it and it took me forever to read. I can see why people would like this book, but I just didn’t like how the author wrote it. Overly descriptive and hard to follow along and stay in the story. I thought I was gonna love this book and I’m sad to give it such a not great review!
Memphis by Tara M. Stringfellow

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Really great book. Make sure to read the letter from the author at the end too. Makes the book all the more powerful and heartfelt.