This. Was. Perfect. Wow. I loved every minute of it. Lila was great, Teddy was adorable, and the Santos family stole my heart. I am soooo in love with this book. Thank you, Tif Marcelo for a perfect holiday romance. I will be reading this next year.
"This has always been your town in a way it never was for me; you never tried to find a life, you were in the right place from the start."
This was so short and yet it was so sad?? Fredrick Backman has a great talent for making things so sweet and tender and then completely heartbreaking. I love it so much.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This would've been better without all of Goldman's stupid interruptions. Obviously this is a fictional story and S. Morgenstern did not exist. I had a very hard time enjoying this book when Goldman kept interrupting himself to add some useless fact or tell a story about his childhood. I skipped the first 42 pages cause he just rambles on. I just wanted the story of Buttercup and Westley. I don't care if you think he was a genius for how he writes this, I found it insufferable. I would've rated it two stars but I did like the story (minus Goldman being annoying).
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
(technically this review has spoilers but this book has been out since 1869 so idrc)
alright I have a few thoughts about this fantastic book:
1) Jo March is one of the best fictional characters of all time. 2) I loathe Jo/Laurie shippers. 3) Friedrich is an angel and I love him. He's so good for Jo. 4) Laurie and Amy naming their daughter Beth? I sobbed. 5) Friedrich and Jo naming one of their sons Teddy??? Again, sobbing. 6) Laurie was always meant to be apart of the March family, one way or another and I love his relationship w/ each individual member of that family, especially Marmee, Jo, and Beth. 7) Jo calling Laurie "my boy" throughout the whole book is so cute. I love their friendship more than anything.
here are some quotes I loved:
"...but it seems as if I should be homesick for you even in heaven."
"'I don't believe I shall ever marry. I'm happy as I am, and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up for any mortal man.' 'I know better!' broke in Laurie. 'You think so now, but there'll come a time when you will care for somebody, and you'll love him tremendously, and live and die for him. I know you will, it's your way, and I shall have to stand by and see it.'"
"I want to be great or nothing."
"Mother would admire his warm heart, Father his wise head. I admire both, and feel rich in my new 'friend Friedrich Bhaer.'"
"How could she 'comfort Father and Mother' when her own heart ached with a ceaseless longing for her sister, how could she 'make the house cheerful' when all its light and warmth seemed to have deserted it when Beth left the old home for the new, and where in all the world could she 'find some useful, happy work to do,' that would take the place of the loving service which had been its own reward?"
"'Ah! Thou givest me such hope and courage, and I have nothing to give back but a full heart and these empty hands,' cried the Professor, quite overcome. Jo never, never would learn to be proper, for when he said that as they stood upon the steps, she just put both hands into his, whispering tenderly, ' Not empty now,' and, stooping down, kissed her Friedrich under the umbrella."
okay that's it. I loved this book & it's one of my new favorites. if goodreads would let me, I'd rate it 10000/5 stars.