aceartemis7's reviews
585 reviews

Raziel by Kristina Douglas

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I like this book. Sure its the typical paranormal romance. But who can say no to a bad boy and a stubborn woman. They sure belong together right? I like how the narrator switches between them two as well.
Abandon by Meg Cabot

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Interesting retelling of Hades & Persephone myth (even though the main character is NOT Hades, just a minor Hades). I wish there was more scenes with the guy instead of the girl xD. Lots of potential, hope the sequel will be better...
Evermore by Alyson Noël

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This book makes me think of Twilight. The relationship of Ever and Damen is an echo of Bella and Edward. I like how the other supporting characters are actually in the book and not just in a couple of pages. Any teenagers can relate to what Ever goes through: school problems, siblings rivalry, love problems, sometimes death. Great book, recommended!
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

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I saw the movie first, then read the book. The book is indeed much better, and the movie stayed pretty true to the book too. I did like how Henry lasted much longer in the book than in the movie. And the author is one of the elders? Particularly the one that may or may not have made the destruction of planet lorein? :O That'll be interesting twist. Cant wait for the next one!
The Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman

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Pretty good comic. The art is amazing ofcourse. The story... amazing as Neil Gaiman's other stuff... Though I think the story is prevalent in other books too. The young boy choosing magic or not, etc...
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer

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One of the best book ive ever read. The story is packed, and its got alot of meaning underneath. The twists is heartwrenching. Really, really moving. Read it!