aclockworkreader's reviews
192 reviews

Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

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4.75 stars 

as a depressed girl who has lived in the bay area, this was TOO real and i felt deeply understood 
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

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i wanted to like this so much more, but unfortunately it felt really flat to me :( 

what i expected to be an insightful critique of racism in the publishing industry turned out to be more of a jab at twitter discourse? more than anything, it felt like the author was using the main character to respond to real life criticism she’s received, which isn’t inherently bad, but it made the story feel a bit shallow. 

i think rfk is an extremely talented writer, which is why my expectations were so high. i just feel like this book had the potential to say so much more, but i finished it thinking, “that’s it?”
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty

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the first half of this book was FANTASTIC, i couldn’t put it down, i was utterly engrossed in the story! but the second half took a bit of a silly turn? almost surrealist in some ways, that for the original tone of the book, felt a little too over the top.