aconitecafe's reviews
554 reviews

Damaged by Krys Fenner

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The writing style / editorial work within this book is hard to stomach. I pushed my way through it because I needed closure for Bellas story. This book does not bring that closure. It ends much like the first book, with a scene end, and random questions that the reader should already be thinking, without them being pointed out. Damaged was a little too over dramatic for my tastes. Where Addicted really hit some hot points for rape victims and addicts, Damaged took it a little too over the top. There were many scenes where I was questioning the realism of it, and why it needed to be soo over dramatic. But that is me basing my thoughts that the author wanted the books to have a real life feel to them.
Watcher by AJ Eversley

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Overall this story is creepily realistic. Well thought out world building and premise. A few points fell flat for me, where I was thinking, okay get on with it already. But the twists made the wait worth it. Definitely worth reading if you are into post apocalyptic books. I look forward to discovering what happens next in Sawyers journey.
Sneaking Out by Chuck Vance

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Kids solving murder mysteries is weird for me. So this book was slightly on the unbelievable side. Since they are at a boarding school, I guess it gives it more grounds but some of the plot pulled me out of the book due to it being teens and me being like wtf. Overall it was a well written mystery, I wasn't able to pick out the true killer so that is always a win in my book. But looking back I can definitely see the hints scattered throughout the story. All of the characters have many depths to them, and are all high school relatable.
Chloe Shipton & The Quill of LeFay by Lynn Veevers

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Lynn paints magically inviting worlds, if you haven't read her other book I recommend it. This book doesn't disappoint. The characters backstories do leave a lot to be discovered, but since this looks to be the beginning of a series, it's best not to give all the inside information in the first book! I like the trend of series beginning with a shorter first book so that way I can get a good vision of the world and the characters before committing to the full series. ha. My only complaint is that I wish there was more back story on the world itself, but again, since it's looks to be a series I hope to find more information in the next book.
Tales of the Peculiar by Ransom Riggs

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I adore reading books that are spoken about in a fictional worlds. This was a cute read to add to the peculiar world. It reads like our own fairy tales.
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

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Loved every minute of this book! Stayed up way past my bedtime 2 nights in a row to finish it. The character development was clever and deep. I cried and cheered Nobody through his journey. I'll be honest, I want more, the ending left me hungry for more books within this world. It's a great coming of age tale, and why it's so important to cherish learning and life.
The Goblin Necromancer by Aubrey Law

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I'm hooked!

This short in-depth character backstory has me wanting more of this world! Well written and gripping tale of loss, family and love.
And They Were Never Heard From Again: A Yarnsworld Tale by Benedict Patrick

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The covers for this series are AMAZING. 100% why I picked up this book, but I've got to say, the story is even better. While it may be short, it's enthralling. Heartache, loss, & hope are big themes in this little novella. The main idea of this book which would be a plot giveaway, is so intriguing.
Windsworn by Derek Alan Siddoway

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A thrilling coming of age tale. Well laid out character development and a nice climax. Didn't see the end twist coming, but looking back it was foreshadowed well. Good intro into the world.

The puzzle part reminded me of a Stargate episode where Daniel had to do the same thing so that was funny.

Minor grammatical / editorial errors scattered throughout but nothing too crazy.

Other thoughts:

- The love interest was not flushed out at all. They spoke maybe 5 times and all of a sudden he can't live without her? I get that they are 18 but a little interpersonal relationship build there would have went a long way. However NOT EVERY BOOK NEEDS A LOVE INTEREST. This book would have been just as good if the boy was a platonic friend. It hurt more than help that it was weakly delivered.

- She was like 5 years behind, but made it up in a couple of months. That was just a little out of sorts to me, I think making her Windsworn at the end was a bit too much. But maybe it was needed for the next book plot line.

- The normal, simple names in this book were perfection. Fantasy authors that slap the keyboard are weak writers. Just give me a normal easy name that fits within the world. No extra vowels, extra names just for the sake of being extra. Just make it sound out properly and readable.