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aebennettwrites's reviews
282 reviews
The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
This book totally broke my heart in the best way possible. My heart felt as though it was on a rollercoaster during the entire story. One of the few books that made me tear up at the end. A fantastic read!
Get It Right by Skye Kilaen
Really, really loved this one. Kilaen is fantastic at blending romance and social justice issues. Both MCs have realistic issues they're dealing with on top of trying to navigate a blooming romance. Highly suggest you pick this one up. I read it in one afternoon!
An Extraordinary Union by Alyssa Cole
This is the first in the very entertaining, keeping-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat Loyal League series. Cole is excellent at blending romance and spy thriller elements that kept me turning the page. I was rooting for Elle and Malcom the entire time. This is a great read but, be "warned" ... you'll want to keep going with the series once you start :D
Do You Dream of Terra-Two? by Temi Oh
This book was a disappointment. I picked it up thinking it was going to be about a twenty-three year long journey through space, and instead it was mostly a reflection on how people in their late teens/early twenties deal with loneliness. It wasn't bad, per se, just not at all what I expected. Also, and I'm not sure this was intentional, but almost every mention of sex or physical intimacy was treated as something the characters should be ashamed of or were disgusted by. This book just wasn't for me.
The Home I Find With You by Skye Kilaen
What do you get when you blend post-apocalyptic and romantic tropes? This awesome read. As someone who really enjoys both genres, this book hit the spot for me. There's a great balance between peril (without the threat of sexual assault - rare in my experience with post-apocalyptic stories) and gentle scenes that build up to affection between certain characters. Skye's a really gifted writer and I'm glad she shared this story with us!
Wonderstruck by Allie Therin
This was such a fun and wonderful (ha!) end to this series. Rory and Ace are such great characters and, if you're not familiar with them, you should be. Magic in 1920s New York (and a few other places) was a great escape for me. I blew through this comfort read in one sitting. I hope to see more from Therin in the future!
Saffron Alley by A.J. Demas
This was a great follow up to Sword Dance. Demas has done an excellent job of paying attention to detail when creating an alternate, ancient Mediterranean world. Varazda and Damiskos look out for each other in the sweetest ways possible and I was rooting for them even more in this book. If you're a fan of ancient history and romance, this is a series you should explore.
Puppuccino by Allison Temple
I'm a fan of Temple's, so I got really excited when I found out she was going to be a part of the Bold Brew series. I'm also a fan of dogs (and have one of my own) so I totally felt the exasperation that comes with an untrained pup! I really liked the chemistry between the two MCs - Charlie and Mason - and Temple does well with humor, as usual. Recommend if you need a cute read!
Freeing Jared by Autumn McKayne
I mostly enjoyed this m/m romance. Jared is a likable and sympathetic MC and I enjoyed the chemistry between him and his cocky love interest, Reese. I do think this book could have benefited from explaining more of what's going on in the world and why earlier. There are a lot of references to the ditchbreed and Renegades, but I got a bit frustrated as a reader because these terms weren't really explained in full until well into the novel. Overall, though, I would recommend this if you like the hurt/comfort romance genre. McKayne has a fantastic way with words!
Investigation, Mediation, Vindication by Chris Tullbane
I wanted to like this book SO MUCH MORE than I did. Tullbane has a great sense of humor and a way with words. I also really liked his vampire lore. I just could. not. get. past. how immature the main character came across. He's supposed to be 25, but in a lot of scenes comes off like a teenager. Alas, this just wasn't quite the book for me.