afangirlsopinion's reviews
92 reviews

Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa

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The premise of this book had so much potential, the storyline sounded like it captured the adventure and wonder of Japanese folklore and mythology but in my opinion it sadly missed the mark, resulting in a long and underwhelming read. I tried to remain hopeful but things became entirely predictable and cliche. I don't it helped that I read 'A Torch Against the Night' before, as I kept comparing the two and wanting more from Kagawa. We the readers are left to explore the world with our naive protagonist Yumako, and I hoped to witness some great character development and maturity but again this wasn't the case. And then there was the broody and mysterious Tatsumi who's attitude didn't nothing but annoy me with his typical and unoriginal YA characteristics. Nevertheless, this book kept me somewhat entertained on a long journey home and for that I am thankful. 
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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If I had to read one book for the rest of my life then it would probably be this one, and I know that's a bold statement but I honestly love this book so much. Sanderson's writing style pulls you into the wonderful world he has created and will have you standing side by side with all his characters as they battle through everything that comes their way. You never know what to expect with this book, it's intense, action-packed and filled with so many twists and turns making it an unpredictable and suspenseful adventure. But brace yourselves as this book will break your heart and try and put it back together as well as bringing you on a journey of that will have you experiencing every emotion under the sun.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

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A wonderfully captivating read that takes place in a unique and complex world crafted with the upmost perfection and thought. There is no limits or bounds to Schwabs imagination as she successfully transports us to a world of chaos and magic. Schwab creates a cast of instantly love able characters who we have the pleasure of following on an adventure that is filled with those page turning moments of anticipation and suspense. Laia Bard’s wit, strong-minded mentality and habit of getting herself into trouble makes her an ideal protagonist for story as wildly exhilarating as this. Our second protagonist Kel, is one surrounded by an air of mystery and complexity, making him a character you can’t help but care about. His is blossoming relationship with Laia is one I’m eager to continue exploring as well as the secrets they both hide. Admittedly the world building was slightly overwhelming thanks to its intricate detailing but it wasn’t long till it became second nature and a style that I now adore.
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

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Picking up right where we left off, Tahir has once again crafted a wondrous story and book I found nearly impossible to put down. I thought I knew where this story was going but I kept being pleasantly surprised and shocked. Tahir’s writing leaves you hanging on to every word and has mastered the ability in crafting a well paced storyline that although may not be perfect, it is one which is certainly entertaining. Laia is more determined than ever to free her brother, a determination that fuels her own courage and fight. As much as I like Laia, Helene was my favourite perspective to read, her internal battles make her a more dimensional and layered character with a narrative that is both nail-bitting and heart-breaking.
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir

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This book was beyond intense, it was an exhilarating and wild read pocketed with moments of pure shock. I devoured this book in a couple days as Tahir made it so easy to be transported back into the world and it’s gripping storyline. I enjoyed the fact we were able to discover more of this fictional world and meet more characters I know will play an important role in the next book! Tahir’s use of prophecies is relevant throughout the series but in particularly in this book. They are all nearly thought-out and disguised by a shroud of unexpectedness, leaving gaping moments of surprise. Admittedly I found Ellis’s’s struggles a bit repetitive and I wish we had more time to explore Darin’s character but aside for that i really enjoyed joining these characters on their on their ongoing quest.
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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There aren't enough words to describe how much I adore these characters and this series, each page is crafted to the uttermost perfection and is layered with a delicate narrative and magical moments that make it impossible to put down. Schwab's imagination is unlimited and breathtaking, there is so much depth and detail to these characters and to this world, it truly feels like you're right there with them. I adore Lila, and seeing her discover new things about herself and develop new (and existing) relationships was one of my favourite elements, alongside all the action and trouble she tended to find herself in! The addition of the tournament was the perfect opportunity to discover and explore of more of Schwab's wonderfully unique world and the role in which magic plays within them. Brace yourself for a fantasy adventure like no other!