ahobbitsbooknook's reviews
104 reviews

Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

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Queenie was an amazing book. This book was eye opening and riveting. It spoke on the topics of interracial dating, the need to go to therapy, having friends who support your decision to take a step back and still be there for you. Queenie was a 25 year old writer for the Daily Reader she went through a break up that was (expected) yet unexpected for her. Through this break up she began to seek out validation from all men, didnt matter if they were single, married or the sex was terrible. She needed a reason to feel as if she mattered. Soon she found out that her boyfriend who she was on a break from (insert Ross and Rachael we were on a break quote here) was now seeing someone else. This book made me cry and as someone who is newly single for a year now and found out her ex got into a relationship a week after we broke up I understand what Queenie went through. The need to feel something from someone anyone who will give it because you aren't used to being alone.

But at the end the main focus is oneself and how you depend on those around you. You aren't alone, there are people who are there for you but you have to allow them to be there. For Queenie that was hard because all she knew was Tom, even though his family was racist as hell, and he didn't do anything to right those wrongs, she still stayed. She had to find value within herself and that was all that mattered in the end.
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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I absolutely loved this book. I thought that the writing was amazing and it flowed. I dont know the last time I read a book within a week, let alone five days. The spice, romance the quivering SEX.. everything that brings a book alive and makes you want to continually dive in was right here in this book. The way she describes each detail of a character was amazing the way she made them stand out was also amazing. The reason I gave the book 4 stars was I believed that Persephone's appearance was honestly basic. I don't understand when we made blue eyes and blonde hair and pale skin the basses of beauty ( not saying they aren't beautiful) but compared to the way she described all of the other gods and goddesses, I personally felt her features were basic and normal. I wished she had more umph. Blonde hair green eyes caramelized skin. Even Hecate had more vava voom to her and she lived in the Underworld.
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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This book was phenomenal

I gave it 4.5 stars reason being I felt like there should of been a trigger warning is all. This book changed my view on the way abuse is seen. The reasons behind why women " just don't leave" was an eye opener. I think that everyone should read this book it doesn't matter your gender. Abuse can be in anyone's household. If you see something then you need to say something or at least ask. There is nothing wrong with asking, and trying to help someone out of a bad situation.
A Touch of Ruin by Scarlett St. Clair

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When you finish a book only to want to read it for the first time again…and again. This book deserves more than 5 stars!!!!
The Crucible: (penguin Orange Collection) by Arthur Miller

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I actually gave the book 2.5 stars. Simply because of the drama. But all in all it was as equally annoying as having a hang nail.