aim_mee223's reviews
312 reviews

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

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2 stars
This book was really disappointing. It was a re-read for me and I remember it being so much better than it was. The characters were dull. There was minimal character development and I didn't really like any of them except for Minho when he stood up to Gally- but that was the exception.

The plot was okay, as was its characters. I was really intrigued by the epilogue though. I think that I will continue the series because of the epilogue and I'll see if it gets any better.
Fragments of the Lost by Megan Miranda

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2.5 stars
*Warning* Sort of spoliery- I only discuss premise without mentioning any events, people etc. (This is mainly due to forgetting most of the details. lol.)

Fragments of the Lost did not meet my expectations at all. I was extremely bored reading this novel, however, I persisted. It was so repetitive in part one, which contained the majority of the novel. I didn't really like any of the characters thereby not giving a flying f about anyone or anything really. The flashbacks were an original idea, but they weren't all that interesting.

I think most of the issues with this novel as well as the repetitive nature is that the book failed to be mysterious. The mysterious element wasn't well developed and it was only until later in the novel that it really was mentioned that (was intended to... I guess) intrigued the reader. It wasn't until part two that it really picked up and that was definitely too far into the book than I would have liked. And by then, I was getting through it to see what happened plot wise just for the sake for it. This book was an underdeveloped, sloppy read. Do NOT recommend.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

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3.5 stars
This was my second reading of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I listened to the audiobook this time with Stephen Fry's narration. I absolutely loved this book and I'm so glad I gave it another go! This series is off-putting because of its middle-grade style which I do not like, but Fry's narration was amazing.
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata

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From Lukov with Love is the third novel of Mariana Zapata's that I've read. It was an entertaining read that was pretty solid.

I love the focus on figure skating in this novel. It made me really appreciate the sport and it has made me interested in reading about it. Now talking about the characters, I was indifferent to Lukov. I did love the banter and the relationship between Lukov and Jasmine. I really liked their platonic relationship so, so much. But the romance between them was pretty sudden and rushed. I really liked Jasmine and her family, I thought that they were so entertaining and it has to be one of my favourite families in literature.