aimawaymessage's reviews
127 reviews

SPRAWL by Danielle Dutton

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“To celebrate, we offer low-interest loans to the nameless kids who wander the town. I am filled to the brim with my own brand of philanthropy and consider writing a speech. Then I eat cheeses and crackers and watch television and eat strawberry preserves on toast.”

“Still, the women, they weep all the time. I’d shake them, but it’s not as if we’re deserted here. We all agreed to this.”
Tampa by Alissa Nutting

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This book was a very graphic, very wild ride. Nutting is bold for this one lmao
Circe by Madeline Miller

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I slept way too long on this. So good.
Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

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“Yes, I am still breathing.
No, I am not living.”

“I’d grow extra mouths to swallow all his confusion and sorrow.”

“My pain, I will take care of it. It belongs to me now.
My heart, I will take care of it. It belongs to me now.
My story, I will take care of it. It belongs to me now.”
White Tears by Hari Kunzru

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I really wanted to like this more. The writing is beautiful and the ending is powerful, but the story felt aimless and dragged out.
Play It as It Lays by Joan Didion

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“Just so. I am what I am. To look for ‘reasons’ is beside the point.”
Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett

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“Maybe the patriarchy is killing my brain cells... Because I sound like I have no self-confidence at all. I’m an awesome bitch.”

This is a book I wish I’d read growing up. Sex-positive and empowering.
Dominicana by Angie Cruz

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Beautiful, vulnerable, and unflinching story of girlhood and immigration.