airving's reviews
491 reviews

Firestarter by Stephen King

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I want to know what Charlie is doing today.
Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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This is one of his few books that really terrify my for some reason. Maybe it's the nightmarish thought of losing a child...
The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King

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This is a fun adult fairy tale.
The Waste Lands by Stephen King

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Blaine is a pain.

The team is assembled, the first test has begun. Follow the beam. Smell the rose, turn the key, and riddle me this. How many questions are there on the way to The Tower?
Needful Things by Stephen King

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Buyer beware

How much is your soul worth? What do you want so badly that you would be tricked into selling it?
Come with Me by Ronald Malfi

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I really enjoyed this story. Definitely going to check out some of his other books. Dolls are creepy, why do we give them to children?