alexiasophii's reviews
421 reviews

Flying Witch, Vol. 1 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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So I saw the anime first, but just a few episodes, and I really loved it but since this was a couple of years ago and it was still being made I ended up slowing up and eventually stopped watching. I want to re-watch BUT I wanted to read it first! So I decided to read the manga and I'm loving it! I love the main character, she's so cute and amazing but knowledgeable at the same time. I really like this manga it's very soft and slice of life, which makes it a very light read :)
Flying Witch, Vol. 2 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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This series is so cute, honestly. It's such a slice of life and overall of cuteness! :) This is such a relaxing and laid back manga, I'm really enjoying it.
Flying Witch, Vol. 3 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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Another cute slice of life manga :)
I love this series! The café is so nice and cozy, wish I could go there too ^^
Flying Witch, Vol. 4 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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Again, not much to say. A very happy and light Slice of Life manga with a touch of magic :)
Flying Witch, Vol. 5 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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Cuteness overload, no doubt! :) Loved the ring that was created after the "acident" with Beachy's gift! ^^
Flying Witch Vol. 6 by Chihiro Ishizuka

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Loved the new witch and I'm loving the fact that Makoto is more of an Earth Witch! :) And the familiars? THE BEST!! ^^
Memórias de uma Feiticeira: Feitiços e Ritos com histórias by Lilith (Isobel da Lusitânia)

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Este é um livro especial! É uma biografia de uma querida amiga e está recheada de feitiços e rituais muito ricos em história! É sem dúvida uma viagem no tempo pela vida da Lilith e, ao mesmo tempo, aprendemos imensas receitas e feitiços que foram importantes ao longo da sua vida e que poderão também ter importância e impacto na nossa vida. Mais? Só lendo... <3
Adorei, adorei! :)
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

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I am. I am. I am.

This book is an intense and scary ride. Not scary because you're afraid of something in the book but scary in how relatable it can be. I've suffered from depression and anxiety (and still have slight anxiety) and there were times, during the book, that it was like looking through a window to a past self. I know the book is inspired in the author's life and that is clear as water since she speaks of the moments and feelings in a way that you can see she has lived them too. The indifference of living or dying, the indifference of whether you're on the bed or out on a walk. None of that matters when you're depressed because... everything is numb. And the author shows that clearly to the point that I think even people who haven't dealt with anxiety and depression can understand. 

It took me a while to understand that the name of the book, Bell Jar, was a metaphor for depression but it makes sense because that's what depression is. Like you're stuck inside a jar and slowing suffocating on the sour oxygen you have left and the depressive thoughts and ramblings in your mind. It is an accurate depiction of what depression is.

I must admit that the methods used to help with depression (such as electric therapy) and others were scary to read and almost unimaginable. How could someone think this would help? It's scary and beyond me. This is a heavy book on several topics and it's not a light read nor a read to have in a binge-format because it will end up having an effect on you, in my opinion. 

Currently I'm still out of words regarding the book, I might come back and add some additional thoughts about it on a later date.
Herding Cats: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection by Sarah Andersen

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As usual I love this artist and I love having all over books! I really liked this one especially the last bit with advice to artists and to her readers. Most comic strips I had seen before online, I was expecting some more exclusive content but it's not bad. As usual, I love her art!
The Witches of New York by Ami McKay

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Oh this book, this book. These characters! I loved Beatrice! I loved Adelaide! And I mostly loved Elanor, she is my favorite character no doubt. This book quickly reached my favorites list and I can't wait to buy a physical version to add to my shelves.

It's a very sweet and magical book with a great plot and amazing characters. I really like the development and I wish there was a sequel (I've read that there is a small sequel and I hope I can find it and read it!). I don't want to spoil much of the book since I believe the description of the book here is amazing and I totally recommend, so my advice is to go and read it if this is your type of books! <3