alexiasophii's reviews
421 reviews

Wicca: Um Estilo de Vida, Religião e Arte by Raymond Buckland

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This was the first time reading a work of Buckland and I actually liked his way of writing, it's very simple and accessible. The book itself is useful for those beginning and it shows an interesting way of work, more connected to traditional Wicca in covens (opposed to, for example, Scott Cunningham's books). This is a good book to whoever is starting in this path, I did find a bit annoying, in this specific translation, that Witchcraft is always synonym of Wicca, even though there are others paths within Witchcraft that aren't Wicca. I don't know if it was due to the translation or if it is something the author does since he is an elder member of Wicca and back then there really wasn't this distinction, but just though I would note it.
Overall the book is pretty good and I would recommended it, it has lots of resources and information, some you won't even usually find in regular beginners books such as explanations to Sex Magic, Sigils, Inactions, etc. Very interesting to see this content explained so simply and clear.
Grécia Mágica: O Fogo Secreto dos Gregos by José Carlos Fernández

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I have to admit to being profoundly disappointed with this book. Even though the title is promising it's content is a very huge mess of lots of different ways of thinking, mixing Egyptian ideas with Greek with Christian, with Orphism, with everything they can get their hands on. I found several errors within the book specially when it came to historical timelines and historical accuracy (the existence of Atlantis, for example, is taken as being a historical fact) and even within the myths of several divinities mixing genealogies and deities names. I was very disappointed and was expecting much better work. if you're looking​ for historical work don't read this book. This book is more of a philosophical take on Ancient Greece through the authors' own ideas and opinions regarding the subject.
Big Mushy Happy Lump by Sarah Andersen

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Just got this book in the mail today and, of course, I read it all in one sitting. I am a HUGE fan of Sarah's work and this book is even better than the first! Not only it includes several strips of comics but also a small part in which the author talks a bit about her life and shows us some comics that are related to the events. It's fantastic and no doubt a fantastic purchase to support such a talented artist! :)
A Magia de Hécate: Uma Roda do Ano com a Rainha das Bruxas by Dylan Siegel

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Inspirador. Fantástico. 

Um livro simplesmente fenomenal, inspirou-me muito para a minha prática e o quotidiano dedicado a Hécate. Sem dúvida uma obra ESSENCIAL para qualquer devoto ou apaixonado de Hécate, recomendo a leitura a todos os interessados!!! Os meus parabéns aos autores, são fantásticos e agradeço-vos pela fantástica obra que criaram!
Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham

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I loved it. My first book in Paganism was from Cunnigham and reading his books again is fantastic. I love his writing and how he connects with the reader. This book not only gives you several spells related to Natural Magic but also does a thing which most books don't: Teaches you to love Natural Magic. To work with it, to feel connect to the world around you. That is just fantastic!
O Sagrado Feminino: Da Pré-História à Idade Média by Maria Zina Gonçalves de Abreu

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Terminei de ler este livro e devo dizer que adorei.
De forma clara e justificada (existe uma predominância de notas de rodapé com referências) a autora explica-nos como as mulheres eram tratadas a nível social, político e religioso no passar dos tempos desde a Pré-História até à Idade Média.

É um livro bom, completo e bastante interessante.
The Girl Who Came Back to Life: A Fairytale by Craig Staufenberg

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So I got a free eBook copy from the author (check the book description!) and started reading it right away. I enjoyed this story so much! At first I was a bit annoyed at the main character and how she behaved and when she
Spoilerleft her grandmother and took her money I just wanted to punch her SO HARD!
but in the end she did redeem herself. This is a beautiful story about how we have to struggle to accept death and the passing of our loved ones. It's not an easy task but a painful and long road ahead of us but, in the end, goodbye is necessary both for them to move on and also for us, to avoid being stuck in a snow storm with our own heat and life leaving us (which is a great comparison to the depressive state we enter when we lose a loved one).

This book is really amazing and I recommend it for everyone because I honestly think the lesson in this book is needed - for everyone - at some point in our lives.
Brida by Paulo Coelho

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So... I was initially thinking of giving this book just 2 stars but changed my mind with the ending Never mind, gave it two stars after thinking about it for a few days. So most of the people around me and even in Pagan Communities are fascinated with Paulo Coelho's work and I can see that, in a way. His writing is very deep and he approaches several aspects of life which are very interesting and I enjoyed that part of the book. It's interesting to see the approach on life, death, rebirth and the Universe in general as explained in this book. But the characters are just... not my thing. I'm a sucker for consent and information, no matter the Mysteries. If one doesn't know what is doing and can't consent then it shouldn't happen. And I didn't like the fact that both Masters sent this young woman into wild things without preparation, even though she might have experiences from past lives (which in real-life for me is a not relevant fact to be honest). As someone who practices Witchcraft and Paganism for a long time now, I can't agree with this and it really put me off part of the book. Also the main character, Brida, annoyed me a lot and I only started liking her in the last 20 or 30 pages of the book. She seemed like a spoiled brat who wanted to try everything without committing or even trying to learn what she was doing. She just went with the flow and tuned off when she felt like it. Maybe she felt a "calling" or something but the way it was explained in the book it almost seemed like a whim of young age. I didn't like that fact. Another fact that I didn't appreciate (but fully understand and this is indeed a matter of choice and preference) was the Christian liturgy and references, I wasn't expecting something that looks so Pagan, so Pure to be so bounded to Christianity and to the idea of "God" as omnipresent and omniscient and such a christian-way of viewing God. I didn't like that but, again, it's a matter of preference.

Overall I give this book 3 stars because the plot wasn't that bad and the life lessons expressed in the book are interesting to read, if one can separate them from the religious aspects.
Adulthood Is a Myth by Sarah Andersen

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I loved this book! I'm a huge fan of Sarah Andersen's work and this book is amazing!! I can relate to so many things!
The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home by Scott Cunningham, David Harrington

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Fantastic Book! Very helpful for a Kitchen Witch and to anyone who wants to add some magical practice in their daily life around the house! Also a fantastic guide to protecting, cleansing and making a house a Witch's place :)