alexrashelle's reviews
110 reviews

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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I adored this intro to this series! I was definitely fearful of the hype surrounding it and that it might not live up to the hype for me. But the writing style SJM uses sucked me right in. I was so invested in Feyre and how she became to be who she is.

And though I'm writing this after reading the second book in the series, I was very glad there wasn't a ton revealed about the courts that existed. This allows for so much growth and details to come.
A Life For a Life by Carol Wyer

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This book was a bit difficult to get into as it jumped around quite a bit. I am typically very into crime based novels, but this one just did not capture me as I thought it would.
My difficulty with following could potentially be due to the different verbiage between the USA and the UK, but I still felt like there was a lot of back & forth that didn’t connect the dots for me.
Verity by Colleen Hoover

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Well I sped through this book because I was extra nosey & needed more of Verity’s autobiography. I felt like I was getting to the bottom of a crime, but then there wasn’t one? I ended up feeling more confused by the end of the novel than when it started.

All of these questions still remain:
- What did Verity get out of being an invalid for months?
- How did Crew manage to keep quiet about his mom *not* being an invalid?
- Does Jeremy just enjoy impregnating people? He seems to not care if birth control is present/in use.
- What are Verity’s novels actually about?
- Was any of the autobiography true? Was any of the letter true?
- Wtf?
The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

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Matt Haig takes us inside his brain and gives us his thoughts that bring him comfort. It is scattered, just as our thoughts typically are, and I loved it.

I highlighted
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

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The love story felt like it was nothing and then everything very quickly - so I do wish there had been a bit more of a build. And there were moments that were fairly predictable (the Twitter-ship between WWMD & Schmac), but I did enjoy the twist towards the end (I won’t spoil it for those who want to/will read it)!
I really enjoyed Bee and found myself laughing at multiple points in the book with how things were phrased. So many good similes!!