aliareadzz's reviews
151 reviews

Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan

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2.5⭐️ This book just wasn’t for me. If I was in the age range and related alittle bit more i would enjoy it better. Yet I just didn’t really enjoy the characters and felt like the book was dragging on.
Heartless Hunter by Kristen Ciccarelli

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4.5⭐️ this book was so hard for me to get into but once i did OH MY. I am so sad that I have to wait for the next book right now. This was amazing! I love and good enemies to lovers to enemies; literally can’t wait for the next one. and alexxxx
Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera

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wow! I truly enjoyed the concept of this book! This was such a different take on thriller as it had a lot of humor in it. For awhile reading I was like is this even a thriller and when are we going to get into the plot more. I did feel it was alittle dragged out through the middle because I felt like we were getting to who really killed savy. BUT once we got towards the end things were ROLLING! I was complete caught off guard by who the real killer was and it was an amazing plot twist. Truly enjoyed! Although the middle felt very dragged out, the podcast parts, the main character, and the amazing plot twist of an ending made this a 4⭐️ instead of the 3⭐️ i was leaning towards throughout reading.
Golden Son by Pierce Brown

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Amazing book! Same rating as the first book: I get super into it in the beginning, the middle drags on a little bit, and the end absolutely captivates me. Cant wait to read the next book to see what happens:)
Middle of the Night by Riley Sager

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3.75⭐️ so close to a 4⭐️ . Gave me stranger things season 1 vibes but different. As always i love riley sager’s books
Call It What You Want by Alissa DeRogatis

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oh my there is so much i would love to say about this book but this book made me so angry that i can put it all into words. With that being said im going to leave this review with a few things. First of all i felt like I time traveled back to reading on whattpad. The theme and message behind this book is good: know your worth, don’t settle, etc etc everything you hear when it comes to a toxic relationship. I know toxic relationships are very real for a bunch of people but i just could not stand this book. The FMC i’m sorry i dont feel bad at all you should have seen it for as it was from the beginning. As well as im sorry not once where they ever dating in this book so dont say they broke up when it was never anything to begin with. I truly am only giving this 1⭐️ For 2 reasons 1. I thought this was just gonna be a cute college romance when i first picked it up (my fault for not diving deep into what it was) 2. there is a good message behind this terrible story .
Reckless by Lauren Roberts

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UPDATE: giving it 2.5⭐️ have barely thought about this book at all.
I don’t know what star rating i want to give this yet. But this book fell so flat for me. I was so excited for this sequel from where we left off in powerless but i was disappointed. I felt as nothing was ever happening in the book no real plot felt as it was continued. It seemed like an endless loop of paedyn & kai chasing each-other, getting chased, being mad at each-other, and then loving each-other. I’m a banger girly but there was to much banter going for how they were suppose to be hating each-other. The plot twist could’ve been delivered better; i felt as though the plot twist were just randomly introduced and was not smoothly executed. Things i did enjoy in this book were some of the banter (there was just to much), kitt chapters, and literally the last sentence of the book. I will be reading the third book but i do not have high hopes like i did for this.