alina_hookedon_books's reviews
806 reviews

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins

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I enjoyed the aspect of the book and was really interested in the whole 7 deadly sins topic and the history of the demons and angels but Anna character wasn't that strong and I felt like her emotions and actions were all over the place most times.
Goodnight iPad: A Parody for the Next Generation by Ann Droyd

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A very quick and witty parody of Goodnight, moon. I was chuckling to myself and reminiscing on how times have changed and I'm only in my 20's! ha Nonetheless fun quick story for the new generation.
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown

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3.4/4 stars
The story was fast pace fun and an easy read. A little bit predictable but still enjoyable. Going to have my full review here
Venus in Fur: A Play by David Ives

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This was a really fun read! The ending was a little strange but overall fast and enjoyable play to read. I would love to see this live!
Lucky in Love by Jill Shalvis

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Could never go wrong with a Jill Shalvis book!
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

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Let me just say.
Like seriously this book had me on my toes the whole time and laughing too. Unravel Me really gets to show you how Juilette is developing..ALOT and changing and its so amazing to see. Everything really starts playing into its part in this book and even though the "love" part of this book is getting predictable alittle it is still amazing to see the changes that are happening. Plus THE ENDING!!! OMG I had to order the last of the trilogy Ignite Me ASAP! because I badly needed to know what happens. If you read Shatter Me I highly recommend reading Unravel Me you will start falling in love with characters and things just completely change. ENJOY!
At Last by Jill Shalvis

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I'm not sure if it's because I listened to the story on audiobook or if I'm so use to Jill type of stories and writing but I did not enjoy this one like I've enjoyed Jill's other books. oh well!
Bared to You by Sylvia Day

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Read up to about 123 pages and stopped. Not enjoying it as much as I would have hoped.
Winter by Marissa Meyer

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Such a great series! Soo many amazing characters, the growth in character development was great! The action was non stop and entertaining. I'm so sad this series is over but I'm sure I'll be reconnecting with it in the near future. Nothing but love for this series!
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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I really enjoyed this book! I wouldn't say it's the best crime suspense book out there but it is definitely a entertaining and thrilling YA crime book for sure. I felt that the writing and stort was very easy to follow, and I personally liked all of the characters. I wouldn't say Cassie is a very strong protagonist but knowing she is a 17 year old girl, it does feel like a coming of age story as well but in a unusual circumstance.
Overall, I'm excited to continue the series!